Elsemieke Havenga


Everything starts with your story. That is the foundation on which you build a successful organization. We’ll help you get that story in focus.

Be it mission, vision, strategy or a change process. For all those moments, a clear message is crucial. We’ll work with you to make sure everyone embraces your story.

Share your story in an effective and inspiring way. We advise you which channel to use for this and train you and your people to get your message out in a great way; in small or large company, with your client, through the media or simply in a text.

Do as you say. The organization must live the story, because a good story without matching behaviors won’t get you much.

Elsemieke Havenga

Coaching & communications

You feel that your organization or team could perform better. Or you feel like communication could be better. But how are you going to tackle this? Because you don’t want to run any risks, it has to be done right the first time. Moreover, you have little time to devote to this yourself. So you are looking for a party that can advise you on this, an outsider who will take a critical look at your organization.

The reason is often the same, the solution rarely is.

Working more effectively with more pleasure, communicating better with internal and external target groups or improving the personal performance of employees. The story is not distinctive, not up to date or we have something on paper, but nobody gets energy from it. The reason to engage us is often the same, our solutions rarely are.

Tailormade coaching- en communication-processes

People are all different, organizations are all different. What works for a financial service provider, for example, does not always work for a family business operating in retail. does not always work for a family business operating in retail. That’s why my team and I develop tailor-made coaching and communication programs. Paths that fit the sector, the culture or, for example, the composition of a team. Our many years of experience in a wide range of sectors and industries provides additional security. We know exactly what to do to get the most out of people and organizations.

Next level coaching and communication

If we can learn anything from sports it’s that the big difference is in the small things. A successful organization is slightly better in everything than one that is not. Working with us means that you have the ambition to make your people and your organization perform to the maximum. Together we lay the foundation on which people can get the best out of themselves, leading to unexpected and often creative steps. Creativity that is necessary to move the organization forward on every level. And not only that. We believe that (long-term) profit is the sum of doing the right things for the organization, the people and the world around you. In which connecting through communication, just like in top sport, is key. That’s what we mean by next level coaching and communication. Time for an initial meeting

Time for a first acquaintance

I would be happy to exchange thoughts with you and talk about issues that are important to you. You are welcome in our office in Laren for a cup of delicious coffee. If you prefer to meet virtually, or at your office, that is also possible. Send an e-mail or call for an appointment.